Special Instructions

  1. Application forms for admission can be obtained on payment of Rupees Five hundred in cash or online transfer to the Principal, Panchami College of Law.
  2. Applications with incomplete information are liable to be rejected.
  3. Eligibility for admission is based on the KSLU rules and regulations.
  4. Applications received after the due date will not be considered.
  5. Applications should be accompanied with receipt for having paid the application fee.
  6. Candidates admitted will have to abide by the rules and regulations framed by the Management of the College from time to time.
  7. According to the rules of the University the minimum attendance required for eligibility to appear for semester end examination is 70%.
  8. Payment of semester end examination fee is mandatory for promotion to next semester.
  9. Students are required to preserve for future reference the receipts issued for the payment of tuition fee.
  10. Upon admission an identification card will be issued to each student admitted. After admission to I year LL.B., each student is required to sign the admission Register kept in the office and to carry the identification card with them.
  11. Students after I year LL.B., shall take admission to the II/III Year LL.B., by paying admission fee and filling the University admission application.
  12. The Principal has absolute right to suspend a student from the college or to issue transfer certificate in case the student misbehaves with any lecturer or college staff or does not obey directions issued by the Principal.
  13. Students shall submit the following certificates at the time of admission.
  14. 10th Marks Sheet.
  15. PUC Marks Sheet.
  16. Degree Marks Sheets. (all semester)
  17. Provisional Degree Certificate/Convocation Certificate.
  18. Transfer Certificate.
  19. Migration Certificate. (For Non-Local Students only)
  20. Photographs (5 passport and 2 Stamp Size).

(Three sets of photocopies to be submitted along with original certificates.)

  1. Completed Application Form should reach the principal not later than August 1st accompanied by all required documents.